
  • Unexpected

    What Lydia learns. Post-novel.

  • Espièglerie

    "Monseigneur," she began solemnly, "I know what it is that we must do now." His Grace remained admirably grave. "Do you, infant?" he remarked. "How very discouraging." A These Old Shades fic.

  • Supremely Blest

    "I fear," I remarked one evening, as we sat before the fire, I with my infant to my breast and my husband comfortably settled in the armchair opposite mine, "that our son resembles more a changeling than a baby."

  • Mornings

    In which Anna realises, to her horror, that being married means that Kristoff will see her...when she wakes up.

  • Awkward

    Because honestly, their entire relationship can be summed up with one word.

  • Entwined

    The dance is over, the lady has been caught—and now what? Oneshots for Cotillion, post-novel, no particular chronological order, Freddy x Kitty.

  • Warmth

    While there are several advantages to marriage, for Jane there is one that, during the colder months, trumps all the others.