Ethereal the Ripper

  • Attack of Spade

    Annie was the female titan shifter who was trapped inside a crystal for awhile and only wanted to go home. Spade was the winged titan shifter who only cared about his mission, to free Annie and protect her. This is a story how these two people who could never give a care for humanity turn out to help save it.

  • The Rinnegan of the Next Generation

    What if Sasuke had two kids instead of one. Now think if his son inherited his Rinnegan. With him having to live a life trying to cleanse his clan of it's sins. This is the life of Ketu Uchiha, but a shadow from the past returns to end his dream.

  • Athena: The new Galaxy-Eyes Master

    Athena has a big sercet behind her dueling skills, her father happens to be the world champion Kronos Takana. The thing is her father should've died five centuries ago. She has kept that secret locked, but when she meets Yuya Sakaki and his friends in the new school she attends. Can she keep it from them or the evil coming for her father? Rated T for some scenes

  • Neo Whitebeard Pirates: The New World is taken by storm

    What was Smoker giving a death sentence and being replaced became Kuzan and Smokers fight for survival. Which leads to the Ex-Marines becoming pirates. With the revealment of Whitebeard's grandson the Whitebeard Pirates sail again! rated T for bloodshed and language.

  • Fire Devil's Age: Crime Sorcière

    Whe have out fire dragon slayer. We have our fire god slayer. Though were missing a devil slayer for this group. Take a look into the world of Haru and his journey with his pinkette in the Crime Soricère guild. With his final goal of destroying Zeref.

  • Prodject Uchiha: The New Threat

    Created by Orochimaru to redeem himself, Naga struggles to make the snake-Shinobi proud of him. Though by his overwhelming power Orochimaru tries to use him to destroy the ninja world. Will Naga see through this web of deception or will he be too late. First Naruto story, rated T to be safe

  • What if's: The unused ideas

    There's so many good ideas yet they can never get on a story, why cause it wont fit the plot. Which leaves us with 'what if', well these are my what if stories from oneshots to short stories. These stories are not cannon to my Kronos trilogy. Rated T for language and deaths in later chapters. What if #1: What if Kronos had to duel Yuma and friends instead of Nasch