Runaway Artist

  • Lord of the Flies - Aftermath

    Well, I needed some closure to the book, and I think so did everyone else. I couldn't find anything about the twins being alive or dead, so I used what I thought, which was that they are both dead.

  • Yugioh - Years After

    This takes place some time after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh!, with new adventures, and possibly new faces, as well as old. The world around the group changes, and nothing will ever stay the blissfully same it once been. OCxCanon.

  • Lucina's Judgement

    During the events of Chapter 21. Alex (MU) and Lucina have their confrontation. Written with both a good and bad ending.

  • I didn't mean it like that

    Years after Nightmare's defeat, Fumu is left with a question in her mind that's haunted her. Now, she decides to ask, but it turns out horribly wrong. MetaxFumu. Anime based.

  • Goodbye, Nagi-sama

    Yoki Miya, age 13, had been taken to DW two years ago. Now, with the death of Nagi, her only friend, she has to cope with those feelings of lose once more.

  • Mind Control

    The first time Yuugi fought Marik, he almost lost his puzzle. This time, much more is at stake, and only one Millennium Item will survive, as Marik takes control of Joou's mind, and forces the two to duel in the Shadow Realm. Yuugi will either lose his puzzle along with Yami inside it, or lose Joou forever. It's time to duel! CanonxOC