
  • Suspended

    Kate stands there. She squirms, she breathes, she thinks. She thinks, and she doesn't think, and she tries not to think. But most of all, Kate stands there.

  • flowers can bloom in winter too

    Shots of times and places and the lives they lead and the ways they don't fall apart even when the story is over. /finale au.

  • all your lovers fall down at your feet

    If they can't keep each other, then they're determined to destroy anyone else who tries. /au.

  • The Residual Feeling Conclusion

    A quick little story about Leonard and Penny's underlying feelings for each other while Leonard and Priya were dating. Inspired by Taylor Swift's 'Treacherous'. Happy Valentine's. —Leonard/Penny.

  • Last Train Home

    Sometimes people don't search for things, be it love, company, or happiness; sometimes life's just like that. The story of six lives, connecting in different ways, but always meant to co-exist. /starts from pilot and goes au.

  • Hauntings & Hellos

    One Halloween amongst a sea of following years, previous years, all lost into the times they are together.

  • The Dark and You

    Dark had become a close companion. Breathing had become a feat. But really, how hard was it to just let go?

  • you are an odd one, mr grinch

    Bella and Will are still together, and Bella has an apartment. And Lewis had tea, then Cleo had tea, and now Bella has tea. Strange. /four years after graduation, nothing but witty sarcasm and tea-provoked fluff.

  • Pompeii

    She shatters like glass in his arms. /for kayla.

  • Harder to Hold

    Ariel has not been welcomed into the castle with open arms.

  • Inner Workings

    Little and not so little things that make the friendship between Rikki, Bella, Emma and Cleo work the way it does—or not. Drabble-shots about the mermaid sisterhood, through their eyes and their friends'. (Mostly rated under T.)

  • One Day, Someday, Your Day

    Where all the girls are in their lives before the events of the series. /short multichapter.

  • some say you're the mature one, i say that's bull

    Emma is trying to study, but a certain someone isn't going to make it that easy. ash x emma.

  • farewell at dusk

    The robot man is finally allowed to fall; but when one is up so high, it is hard to fall and not shatter.

  • Aftershock

    Some things will span over time, days and months and years, even decades. This just happened to be one of those things. /eleven years after graduation. ash x emma.

  • The Overcast Sky Effect

    It's been five days since that night on the train, and homo-novus is starting to properly freak out. —Sheldon/Amy.

  • The Funny Thing

    With the aid of the moon, Rikki will discover some secrets even she didn't know about her best friend.

  • Blood for Tears

    JJ had seen things. Terrible things. She'd been a fool to ever think they wouldn't impact her entire way of life.