
  • Never As Sweet as This

    A troubled Face seeks help from a priest. The answer isn't what he expected.

  • Respect

    Hermione is captured by Lucius Malfoy, but does non-con really pay?

  • A Good Joke

    A little girl, a desperate situation and Kruger's sick sense of humor. Inspired by Invisible Ranger's incomparable *Paradise* series.

  • Three Oke Night

    For the Oryx Squadron, killing isn't always the hardest part of the job. A/N: WARNING! CrackFic, with a few nasty digs at a well-known political figure. Republicans and people with no sense of humor beware!

  • Forbidden Fruit

    RE-NAMED! Stress and alcohol don't mix. Neither do papayas and one badass mercenary! Put them all together and Secretary Delacourt has all the ingredients for a VERY memorable Christmas. Crack!Fic

  • Malfoy Malfunctions

    In Which We Learn that Wizards have no Psychological Resistance to Muggle Television.

  • Scene 24 34

    An amusing drabble for *Monty Python* lovers! I own nothing and no one, and am not making any money from anything. Implied h/d slash. Don't like/don't read.