

  • fire & snow

    If Eren was a fire than Armin was snow, able to be soft or compacted, to freeze or to melt. How such a boy had been drawn to him, staying by his his side all this time, Armin didn't know. — hinted/implied eremin

  • five lives

    five lives. five worlds. five stories. no matter what life they live, they always seem to cross paths. —sinju; I was struck with AU inspiration around 3 am and this is the result.

  • chains

    She had been born in chains. So she knew, by the way they walked or talked or carried themselves; Morgiana could see the chains that held them back.

  • Smile

    "Aladdin's smile is pure. Alibaba's smile is hopeful. Morgiana's is captivating."

  • sleep

    Sleep, unfortunately for Kano, isn't something he really has the luxury to enjoy.

  • cursed

    "They had died before and now they'd died again- good people, loyal people, his people (friends if he dared)- and he had to wonder if maybe the ones placed under his command were doomed from the start..." — a short drabble; levi's musings after the death of his second squad

  • an onlooker's guilt

    "He should've realized it sooner." — a short look at Sinbad's thoughts during Judal's 'confession' of sorts

  • painted in falsity

    She couldn't stop smiling, because if she did, she feared she might fall apart. — a short Haru drabble

  • nightmares & awkward cuddles

    "He didn't mean for it to become a permanent thing." — juhaku; basically what it sounds like; hakuryuu has some nightmares and judal has some nightmares, because dorks arguing and comforting each other badly make me happy

  • tears

    "Once he started, he couldn't stop." — quick lil oneshot; slight/implied SinJu