Sabrina Clarke

  • The Path Illumed

    Written before Order of the Phoenix The Ministry is in chaos- danger, death, & doomed romance all ensue with the advent of Voldemort. What will happen next to the unfortunate students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy? AngstDrama

  • The Path Illumed: Epilouge

    Draco writes a letter to Hermione from Azkaban. Very angsty. Who do you think read it? REVIEW and TELL ME!

  • The Glass House

    Short n' fluffy songfic. Harry and Ginny meet each other after Hogwarts, while doing their Christmas shopping. Feelings are confessed, memories are relived, and long-dormant love awakens...REVIEW!

  • One Slowdance

    It's the last night of Hogwarts. Old enmities are conveniently forgotten for the enjoyment of the final Ball. No regrets. One-shot songfic with out-of-control D/Hr fluff. Read and REVIEW!