Late Valentine fanfic. Five Crossover pairing shorts. Hetero, Slash, femslash, and interspecies. Nothing too graphic but rated T in case. Don't like, Don't read. Flamers' flames will fuel the fire that makes me do these pairings. All characters belong to their real owners, not me. I just borrowed them for the fanfic. We all do that.
In honor of Robin Williams. May you rest in peace
Slight AU to Planes: Fire & Rescue. Warning:Slash
A belated B-day gift/early Christmas gift for my sweetie Speedstreek360;3 Warning: contains Mpreg, slash, AU, and graphic birthing scene. Don't like, back off. Optimus/Megatron (hinted Blaster/Soundwave).
Fifty sentence challenge. Includes movie and series. Warning; has yaoi. If you don't like it, you know where the back button is. Blame the ones who started the yaoi craze and got the rest of us hooked. If you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't bother leaving a comment. Period. For those who DO like these kinds of stories, read away. Enjoy.