
  • Always Left Behind

    Basically how I expected Kol's death to be received by his siblings. Was meant to be a one shot but it may get carried on. From Kol's POV.

  • A Flaw In Our Chemistry

    'You put two people alone together for a certain length of time, and they'll either kill each other or fall in love.' - Unknown. Damon has left, leaving Bonnie and Kai with only each other for company. Can she forgive him? Can he trust her? Can Damon find a way to bring them back and will it be too late when he does? [Kai/Bonnie.] Cover image not mine.

  • The Boy Who Lived And His Wolf

    As the world moves on from the war and Voldemort, Harry struggles to deal with his losses. So when an old professor takes him under his wing, can he finally put the past behind him? Will both the Chosen One and the werewolf succumb to the despair in their lives? Or will they save each other? And what will they do when a new darkness appears? [AU: Lupin is alive. Harry/Lupin.]

  • Draco Malfoy And The Year He Grew Up

    Set during the 6th Year, Draco is tasked with killing Harry instead of Dumbledore. Can he really destroy the guy he claims to hate or will he turn against his family, the Dark Lord and everything he knows to help Potter win the war once and for all? {[Drarry/Slash/AU]}

  • Not Always Black And White

    To save Elena from Klaus, Stefan agrees to take Kol under his wing and teach him some manners. He expects it to be difficult, Hell even, but he doesn't expect to find his soul mate. He saves Kol from being daggered for eternity and Kol saves him from himself. {Eventual Kol/Stefan. Set after Kol's been undaggered. Smut later on.}

  • Trust Me

    Harry loves Draco, Draco hates Harry, so what will happen when they end up lost on a mountain together. Drarry Slash

  • A Very Drarry Valentine's

    One shot - Valentine day fluff. Drarry.

  • The Third War

    Hermione and Draco go to America. How will Draco manage in the muggle world, and can he ever escape his past? Dramione.

  • Bitten

    Snape gets bitten by a Vampire. Let the fun begin.. ;