

  • self insert with atitude

    A story insert myself into Harry,s world and am not gentle

  • how to ruin draco

    a short un betad one off, contains some bad language and malfoy bashing. fairly sure i never posted this before.

  • dark secret

    had a weird idea so i wrote it, Itsm my reason why Minerva isn't to helpfull to some students, rated m for one scene but think t would be okay

  • Luna and Harry's big prank and revenge

    this not had beta go over it yet. It rough idea of what happen if harry help luna find her mysterious animals. Oh and the medical stuff is correct shudder I think it be nice way to teach Hermione she not know everything Sytherinn 66 gave me some idea

  • omake luna and harry's prank

    A small omake that might get bigger from my harry and luna revenge fic. Thanks to Slytherin66 for some ideas and help and also to WhiteElfElder who gave me the organal idea of magical enhanced chest. forgot to mention then at end fic so done in summory

  • Harry potter the ninja

    What would happen if Vernon upset an old Jappanese man. This man then finds a way of making Vernons life less than pleasant. Harry Potter just happens to be the iceing on the cake. I Now have a Beta for this story so will take longer to update.

  • Harry and the day of oaths

    Well this little idea i had and wrote some time ago, i forgot to post oops anyway Harry gets annoyed and decides to take things in own hands. With the help of Amelia Bones and some magical oaths, and yes i do suck at summerys. Put as mature for safety

  • harry potter and the uneake solution i hope

    i hope this is the first time this idea has been used. there is minimal bashing of dumbledore cry harry decides to spend more trime with Sirius and discovers a new whay to defeat Voldemort. i suck at summerys.

  • Harrys happy revenge chapter one

    Harry is not happy this takes place after harry's first year my idea is Harrys not happy being told to go back to hell i mean his family . i would also like a beta reader to help me with my storys please get in contact if interested

  • Harry Potter and the Power of love

    Harry really does have the power of love just not in the way people think. I Have not had it Beta read and i shall replace each bit as they get done please read and review

  • Harry Hero off france

    This should have been a short 10 page story i got carried away. Looks like i am going to have to do at least one more chapter. Harry is anoyed with Britain and leaves for France and decides when he gets there to stir things up a bit.

  • Harry dies

    This just an idea I had about those oh so speciel wards that meant Harry had to go back to Privet drive. This is what i think could have happend if Voldemort had a brain and cunning. I mena if i can think of it why couldn't he.

  • Dudley the hero?

    Due to Dudley saying something Harry find the way to end the war before it really begins. Hopefully you will find it funny.

  • Revenge

    Short story think got right genres but unsure. Harry sent jail comes out wants revenge. Yes that's it but it is how he carries out his revenge I hope is new and unused. Lets say Dumbles and many others will not be happy.

  • Harry Potters wacky life

    This a repost first chapter was beta read by Gatonio, So big thanks to him. Thanks to Lanie McCoy for her beta work on the other chapters. Harry has a nervous breakdown and this is the fallout from that.

  • Lunacy

    This is a short story. A one off unless i get people asking for me to add chapters to it. Harry meets an attractive women and gives several people a bad couple od days. Left it as in progress just in-case.