
  • The Book of Tom Marvolo Riddle

    Book 1 Over. Book 2: Magic at Work. The King is Dead; long live the King! Having overthrown his predecessor, Tom Marvolo Riddle - or should he say Thomas Flammel? - didn't know what could stop him. No mortal foe could defeat him, and even the Gods feared him; for the God of Death refused to reap his soul. Maybe he should have been more careful; there's Magic at work, after all...

  • Monster

    'And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.' Revelation 13. Now Naruto could see how it related to this diabolical entity that was farther from Men than it was from Monsters.

  • Thus spake Tom Marvolo Riddle

    Thus spake Tom Marvolo Riddle, in his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Then, why did there always have to be somebody to ruin his perfectly orchestrated schemes? Thrice-damned Potters.