

  • To Revel in the Roses

    After Dumbledore's funeral, Lupin gives in and sleeps over at Tonks' rental in Hogsmeade. As a new day begins, he finishes laying out the case against himself that he's been building all year, but she might be winning him over anyway. A two-parter: one from Remus' perspective, one from Tonks'.

  • The Die is Cast

    After Hogwarts but before Harry, James and Lily invite Remus to live with them. Their flat is full of laughter and sunlight and is exactly what he needs. For eight weeks between Halloween and Christmas, their arrangement is easy and the pranks are a happy distraction from the omnipresent darkness. But all good things must come to an end...

  • Mind the Gap

    Christmas shopping highlights class and cultural differences between fledgling lovers. James has questions. Lily has answers. A little bit of festive James/Lily fluff for your holiday season.

  • I Know Who I Want to Take Me Home

    James and Lily have just gotten married. He's sad that he can't yell "hey Evans" at her anymore. The other Marauders have woes of their own.

  • A Cracking Good Christmas

    Fred and George lighten the mood at Grimmauld Place with a box of homemade Christmas crackers. Meanwhile, Remus is starting to think that Tonks may be more than just an amusing friend... (Christmas during OotP.)

  • The Turning of the Tide

    En route to the train home for Christmas break, Lily ends up stuck in a horseless carriage with the Marauders. It's sixth year, and she doesn't especially like any of them, except for Remus. But Remus is something they have in common, and Lily knows better than anybody that friendships are complicated, and that people can surprise you.

  • The Punctuation of Doors

    Sirius thinks his whole life might just be about showing up at James' doorstep, over and over. (A love story, but not in a romantic way.)

  • The Chimes at Midnight

    Andromeda planned a quiet exit. Narcissa isn't having any of it.

  • Pursuit of the Jackalope, or, Fantastic Friends and Where to Find Them

    Teddy Lupin is sixteen and his hopeless crush on Victoire has sent him into an epic sulk. As a distraction from his romantic angst, Luna invites him to tag along on an international expedition to catalog the mysterious and magical jackalope. Together they cross the sea, travel through the Arizona desert, and encounter new people and legendary creatures...

  • Laughter and Light

    George invites Angelina to the Burrow for Harry's eighteenth birthday. She's not sure if it's a date or not. Pranking ensues. Among other things.

  • Werewolf Birthday

    The Order of the Phoenix meets for celebratory drinks on a chilly March evening in the late seventies. Things get a little out of hand when Remus reveals that he's never been kissed... Fluff!