Takato the dreamer

  • Tangled (The Remix)

    Matt broke up with Tai. Tai has a plan to use Izzy to get him back, but Izzy has a plan of his own. Can he make Tai fall in love with him? Updated/edited version of an old story.

  • Breakup

    Izzy gets dumped after a 13 year long distance relationship. Joe comes over to lend an ear, and be a good friend. Yaoi themes, Platonic friendship, brief strong language... it's mainly just me venting about what I'm going through. (And the story could have been a LOT longer...)

  • Hidden Feelings (Re-upload)

    Izzy starts a GSA to help spread tolerance because of the death of his love. But as things go on he finds not everything is what it seems, and almost everyone involved is effected. Taito, Izzy/Willis, Daikeru. Izzy and Tai are the main characters. Yaoi