

  • Big Brother Ted

    Remus and Sirius married and adopted Teddy during the war. After defeating Voldemort, Harry flees the country and de-ages himself, wanting to get away it all. This is the story of the Lupin-Blacks, as told from Remus' point of view.

  • Middle-of-Nowhere, USA

    After the war, Harry's friends and family are concerned for his mental health. Not knowing what else to do, they send him off to live with Sirius and Remus in the U.S. Not only is it against Harry's will, but there is also a one year old and a teenage girl living with them. Add in muggle high school, and you have hell.

  • James Charles Ricardo Potter Snape

    James Potter has not had an easy life so far, and he is only eleven years old. He is living with his adopted mother's sister, and discovers that he has a twin brother that he never knew about. Will they be able to get over their differences and live as brothers should? Will James be able to heal and move on with the help of the Snapes?