

  • Hokage vs Fire Lord

    same world inhabitants, Zuko decides two fire lords is too much. Tadaah!

  • The End

    This story was somewhat inspired by a Korean comic I know as "The Gamer" and takes the idea of an american "Gamer" who just wants to live in a world less ordinary than his... well, he gets his wish...kinda Oc is Mc IDKpairings Please enjoy!

  • Green

    What is green? Green is the color of life, of growth, of fun. So when a certain mare is down in the dumps, her "little" Green friends decided they want to "cheer" her up.

  • Viral Origins

    Alex Mercer was always intelligent, one who knew him might find it odd that he slipped in his logic during the events of Prototype 2. And they would be correct, had he really. No, in fact he did not slip. He... jumped, for falling implies he lost control. All that you may know of him is likely false, and above all? He isn't dead. Merely, waiting... Oc tag is for later chapters.

  • Naruto Shinka: Demon Sage of the Void

    REWRITING!2/7Everyone knows that making a deal with the devil isn't smart, Naruto thought that Kami would be a little nicer. After dying during the Sasuke retrieval mission, Naruto pays for another chance at life and the world will never be the same... heavyAU!/ naruharem/ spiritual/ allpeople unnerfed!/ dark!notevil!naruto/ dark!notevil!realisticOOCrookienine/ multicrossover/

  • Viral King

    Extinction. The removal of a species life, the death of an entire race. The soul is a fragile thing, when it is dirtied you must gently wash the blood away. But, when the soul is washed in the blood of an entire species not only once, but twice? Well, lets see if he can redeem himself anyways.

  • Jason Xen

    what begins and ends to begin again anew? Jason Xen knows the answer. He will show all the truth. This world and all others will bow to his might.