Spark Writer

  • The Kiss

    Look at them. Just look.

  • There's a Drumming Noise Inside My Head

    It's been eight months and Sherlock still gets breathless when John Watson walks into the room.

  • One Rainy Evening

    All this time Tommy had assumed his feelings were one-sided; desperate and unreciprocated, but a few seconds in the heat of that gaze were enough to make him question everything. Tommy/Rosalind

  • Severed

    Snape's thoughts after he and Lily's final argument...

  • Hogwarts

    Its presence will never be forgotten...

  • It Changed Everything

    An event that changed the Marauders forever...

  • Best Left Unsaid

    Some things aren't meant to be. Lily/Snape

  • Minuit

    Une histoire pleine de fun, de rires et de folie ... la maison Weasley s'anime! S'il vous plaît lire et relire!

  • It Goes On

    A truthful, tender story about life after the final battle. Join our favorite wizards as they meet life head on. All reviews are welcome!

  • Midnight Madness

    The Burrow has come awake-in the middle of the night! Light, full of humor and an easy read...join the next generation of Potter's. Mischief managed!

  • The Missing Ingredient

    What does Hermione smell in that illusive amortentia potion, anyway? Read and find out!

  • Cousins

    Rose helps Albus with a rather embarrasing new development. This is my first HP fic, so no flaming, please. READ and REVIEW! Thanks!