Spark Writer

  • Out of the Woods

    You are so in love with him you think you are going to die.

  • The Hungry Heart

    Here's the first rule everyone tells you: don't fall in love with your best friend.

  • Supernova

    John is a young intern training to be a doctor at the Royal London Hospital. Sherlock is a seventeen year old drug addict. They meet, and everything changes. Teenlock.

  • Significant Intention

    They're friends. In a determined, tight-jawed way that suggests it would be all too easy for them to fall into something More.

  • The Gap

    There's nothing in the world Sherlock hates more than hippies, and the goddamn zaniest looking one he's ever seen is apparently moving in exactly 98 feet away.

  • Five Minutes to Midnight

    According to most calculations, humanity has another six billion years to live. This statistic, as it turns out, is devastatingly incorrect.

  • From the Fathoms Below

    There were certain things John would not tell his therapist. For example: I am in love with a merman.

  • Inevitable

    The question, here, is why they are going to kiss.

  • Love and Bombs

    Love and bombs aren't all that different, John. In the end, they're almost indistinguishable.

  • The Dance Lesson

    It isn't good, the excitement he feels at the thought of teaching his ex-flatmate how to waltz, the songs that come to mind: Bach, Vivaldi, Paganini; the sudden vision of John swaying within the encirclement of his arms...

  • Sparkle and Fade

    This is the story of Skye Penderwick's lifetime, told in moments.

  • In the Wake of Disaster

    Epiphanies can happen at the most inopportune times. With one day to live, for example.

  • Risk

    It doesn't make sense, so John googles it. "An infatuation lasts an average of 4 months. Once it's exceeded that, you're already in love." A curse—soft, albeit heartfelt—escapes him. He puts his head in his palms; exhales.

  • Our Shared Oblivion

    Oh Sherlock, John thinks, you've no idea have you? Even if you did, you 'd want nothing to do with it. Nothing to do with [my] human error.

  • As Though Everything is a Miracle

    They find each other in every world, in every universe, in every plane, in every time. Sherlock/John.

  • Loving John Watson

    You discover early on that you want him. Maybe even the very day you meet.

  • The Guardians

    In the angelic realm, when an angel comes of age, they are assigned one human to protect all their lives. Skye's human is a boy named Jeffrey Tifton.

  • The Way it Ends

    Of course, it takes Sherlock three decades to get around to falling in love.

  • The Woman in the Red Raincoat

    She is born many times, from many different wombs, in many different shapes.

  • Obloquy

    Sherlock insults John. This is an understatement.