

  • My Saving Grace

    'You're not supposed to remember what came before. This much I know, but I suppose that I managed to slip through the system. Somehow, I escaped into the world again, my body new, my brain fresh... yet infused with memories from a past life. I remember it all. But mostly, I remember her. And I will find her again.' Rizzles. Nominated for Rizzles fan award! :-D thank you xo

  • Goodbye is Never Forever

    Sometimes, memories are the hardest things to face. And when it hurts so much that you feel like you can't breathe, you wish you could just forget. Maybe though, just maybe, memories are what will make you whole again. Rizzles. Sad, death fic. Maybe you shouldn't read it lol (please do anyway) :-)

  • The Rain

    Jane wants to know why Maura broke up with Jack. Inspired by a tumblr post that read: 'I'd never ask you, deep down I'm certain, I know what you'd say, you'd say I'm sorry, believe me, I love you, but not in that way'. My attempt to fix how that post made me feel! See A/N inside. Rizzles

  • Yes

    "He finds me sexually attractive." "He finds you sexually attractive," Jane scoffed, "Maura, he'd find a garbage can sexually attractive." "Well, I'd like to think I'm a bit more attractive than a garbage can." Jane rolled her eyes. Maura was lost in thought. "Do YOU find me sexually attractive?" she asked, and Jane choked. "What? No!" she gasped. "Oh," Maura said, and walked away.

  • The Room In Your Heart

    Maura and Jane have a special language. Maura knows what Jane is saying, even when she doesn't say it. But when it's really important, will she realize what is being said? Written for the Rizzles Facebook fanfic competition. The requirements were using a gif set for inspiration and including the line "This is the room where you don't have to be brave."

  • Dreams Come True

    Maura had a dream that involved she and Jane kissing. Jane finds out. Complete and utter fluffy type nonsense.

  • Maybe

    "You heard me! How dare you? How dare you stand there, and accuse me of not caring, when you didn't even tell me how you felt!"

  • The Things We Do

    Based on a post made in the fb group by the beautiful Miss Juju, this is basically about the adorable, weird, annoying and yet still endearing things that couples do to annoy each other.

  • The Story of well, sex

    A series of one shots that are full of sexy times. Pretty much just so I can practice writing smut. Not sure if it will be good or utterly terrible or somewhere in between, but... enjoy! :-P

  • New Years Eve

    It's New Years Eve, and Jane wants to know the reasoning behind the traditional midnight kiss... Didn't do any stories for Christmas this year so thought I'd do something for NYE at least. :-P

  • Camping with Jane and Maura

    Jane can't believe Maura managed to talk her into another camping trip, especially after the disastrous first attempt. But this time something happens that makes her suddenly like camping a whole lot more... eventual Rizzles. Will be M rated by end.

  • Skype Chat

    A companion piece to S5E6. When their Skype session accidentally remains open, Jane hears a conversation that she doesn't quite believe. Kind of based off a Tumblr prompt. Now complete.

  • Brave

    Maura kisses Jane, then runs away, because she isn't brave. But what if she actually is? Written for the Rizzles facebook fanfic competition; this is the entry that was not submitted to the comp. The requirements were using a gif set for inspiration and including the line "This is the room where you don't have to be brave."

  • Doctor and Patient

    When Jane breaks both her wrists at the same time and Maura offers to look after her, it leads to a change in their relationship that apparently everyone saw coming... except for them! Slow burn Rizzles. Slightly cracky and OOC, but hopefully funny. Don't take too seriously. :-P See inside for my inspiration and also my increasingly insane author's notes. :-) Now complete!

  • Understanding Words

    How will I survive without my best friend? An exploration behind these words, behind Jane's interpretation.

  • Don't Let Me Forget You

    "I forgot how to do an autopsy today, Jane. The whole damn thing." I stare at the floor, avoiding eye contact. "I think I might be developing Alzheimer's." She stops, and I look up in time to see her face crumple. "I'm scared Jane, I'm so scared."

  • Untangled Webs

    "Well, you really messed up this time Janie." Jane takes a deep, shuddering breath. She doesn't say anything in response. "What are you going to do to fix it?" She shakes her head. "I don't know, Frankie. I... I just don't know." THE UNTANGLED VERSION (told in chronological order, might be easier to read). Rizzles

  • Tangled Webs

    "Well, you really messed up this time Janie." Jane takes a deep, shuddering breath. She doesn't say anything in response. "What are you going to do to fix it?" She shakes her head. "I don't know, Frankie. I... I just don't know." Rizzles. Please see authors note inside :-)

  • Three Words

    Casey has proposed, and Jane has said yes. A little fic that catalogues Jane's and Maura's thoughts on this life altering decision. Rizzles one shot!

  • Conversations

    'So it's entirely possible that I may, possibly, maybe, just a little bit, ever so slightly have a slightly enormous, uncontrollable crush on a certain Medical Examiner.' Rizzles. Fluff. Written in 15 minutes, but hopefully it's cute :-)