Marc Newman

  • Mindless thugs and morons

    Claire Scott is 17 and is now attending Northam community college. Life doesn't change, she is still studying hard, her parents are on at her to do well, and her best friend Suzanne it rough in a bedsit. And to make matters worse, her on/off boyfriend is still cheating on her. But things are all about to change when she bumps into Gripper Stebson.

  • Forever Mr Gorgeous

    Detective Sargeant John Boulton has survived a vicious attack from Corrupt police officer Don Beech. Left for dead, he is discovered and rushed to St Hugh's Hospital for life saving treatment. Meanwhile, John's lover D.S Claire Stanton is forced to choose to carry on her pursuit of Beech, or, help care for John as he recovers from his injuries that leave him half the man he was.

  • Right Beside You

    Molly Dawes is back from her first tour in Afghanistan. Sad one I'm afraid, nut hopefully you will read. R&R please peps. COMPLETED

  • The Day At The Lake

    Summer 1992: 5 Teens go to the lake one summer day, but are there only 5 of them? Some strong language.

  • Amityville: And now the screaming Starts

    Can a house link to a person? Or is it just a pure fluke.

  • When Will I See You Again

    Complete AU. The First World War has been raging for 3 long years. Nurse Molly Dawes has had no real dealing with any of the soldiers until now. Crap Summery, but I think everybody struggles with it! Please Read and Review. COMPLETED.

  • Molly's Choice

    AU. When Captain James is faced with life changing injuries, will Molly's love for him be enough? R&R. **STORY COMPLETED**

  • The Seed Growing Inside Me

    AU. Donna has been using Ross to get Gary North. It was all part of the police operation. But Donna didn't bank on her and Ross falling for one another...DONNA AND ROSS


    Aaron logging onto a form about being in a car crash. Old abortive chapter I want to get rid of on my laptop.

  • Tears on my Pillow

    AU. Donna didn't die on that rooftop and what her life might have been like if she had lived. R&R please. ROSS AND DONNA. COMPLETED.

  • Only Eyes For You?

    AU. Ross and Donna have come out and have started to make a go of it. But trouble is about to come in the shape of Donna's sister Kelly. ALSO, Aaron returns from Brighton (my other story) and wants to get even with Ross.

  • Stop breaking my heart

    Jackson and where he is at mind and matter during the last story.

  • Blake after 7

    Roj Blake and where he is at from his reluctant escape from the Liberator to his death on Gaulda Prime. Please R&R

  • Killing me Softly

    My Aaron AU...continues from "What happened in Whitby, stays in Whitby"...You live...you love...you die...


    The personnel of Moonbase Alpha are up against more weird and wonderful beings. Season One universe. COMPLETED.

  • Give me a sign

    Old story I abandoned some time ago. Used as an Coda or epilogue to my former story, "right beside you" R&R if you like.

  • Come back to me sir

    Updated Summery: The trials and tribulations of Molly Dawes and the Captain she's in-love with. Post TV series. More fluff than war! COMPLETE.

  • Blood In April

    Follow up to Tears on my Pillow. Ross is now alone and trying to get on with his life, but the past is about to catch up with him and hell bent on revenge. How will he react when someone still very close to him is about to vanish into thin air...Please R&R. ROSS BARTON.

  • What went on in Whitby, stays in Whitby

    Aaron's back in Emmerdale for his Mum and James Barton's wedding. THIS STORY IS CARRIED ON IN 'TOO YOUNG FOR LOVE' BY EXPLOSIVELOVE21...PLEASE READ :)

  • The Story That Never was

    A reporter gets wind of some strange shit going on. Helps to read my other two stories to know what's going down.