
  • Simply Pornographic

    AU! Eren, a struggling writer who moved to LA to kick start his career, was a man who didn't believe in love. Love only brought pain and heartache. But what Eren didn't understand was the truth in these words until he met Levi; a successful man in the porn industry. And what about his roommate and the freckled stripper, who seems hellbent on ripping him out of the closet?

  • False Insanity: B

    *Yaoi, KaZe* He was placed in a mental institution instead of Cross Academy after the vampire attack that killed his family. No one believed him so he learned not to tell his horrifying story until his new therapist, Kaname Kuran, stepped in. A man he thought he might be able to trust until Kaname's real nature was exposed. How will he cope with this after his promise? *Rewrite*

  • Only Human

    Sex has always been a big part of relationships. We do it to reproduce and we do it because, apparently, it feels fan-fucking-tastic. Eren is the one percent who doesn't get it, and this leaves him heartbroken and alone every time a guy tries. Levi, ironically, was the only one who didn't try. The only one who learned that some people prefer comfortable silence over sex. /Modern AU

  • Blackmail With A D

    It's just 3000 words of smut in an office chair? Bottom!Levi that's 'bout it. Belated xmas smut for JezebelStrike.

  • AshCiel (Plus Sebastian) Smut

    B/c titles are stupid for smutty one shots it's 11pm. Happy belated bday, JezebelStrike! Ciel wasn't ENTIRELY sandwiched between Sebastian and Ash 100% of the time... But I did go a little "above and beyond" for this threesome... (BTW this is legal Ciel- not itty bitty babe Ciel) (Now there's a pt 2 with JUST Sebastian and Ciel!)

  • All Wrapped Up

    Short ((reunion)) Minkuri drabble (Post Mink Route/Good ending)- Mink disappears for three months leaving Clear 'broken' and obsessed.

  • The Night Before

    Promises and reassuring smiles mean nothing if you aren't around to keep them. (Technically some feels, kisses, and major fluff. JeanMarco fluff and JeanMarco mentioned eloping. JeanMarco everything because JeanMarco is perfect. Don't read if you don't like JeanMarco or two boys kissing lovingly)