A prequel of sorts to my other story, The War is Over. Peggy, Joe Liebgott's future wife, just wants a quiet cup of tea at her favourite cafe. Joseph Liebgott is sitting in her seat.
Joseph Liebgott is having a hard time getting past his memories of the war.
Hermione teaches something new to Ron who then spins it into something else that Hermione decides is better...just read the bloody story and find out!
Hermione is worried about Harry after the events of their sixth year. Book six spoilers. One shot. Not, repeat NOT HHr! It's a friendship story.
Fred and George tell stories to their twin nieces of pranks they pulled on themselves and someone else...who could the girls' parents be? R&R please!
There's a potions explosion and everybody is singing out their deepest secret! RHr, HG and many other things! Takes place during sixth book!
A quartet of song fics that go together to make one fluffy story. Huge amounts of RHr and warnings for R rated themes in last chapter