
  • A Kiss for a Fighting Man

    A prequel of sorts to my other story, The War is Over. Peggy, Joe Liebgott's future wife, just wants a quiet cup of tea at her favourite cafe. Joseph Liebgott is sitting in her seat.

  • The War is Over

    Joseph Liebgott is having a hard time getting past his memories of the war.

  • Meniscus

    Hermione teaches something new to Ron who then spins it into something else that Hermione decides is better...just read the bloody story and find out!

  • Dear Friend

    Hermione is worried about Harry after the events of their sixth year. Book six spoilers. One shot. Not, repeat NOT HHr! It's a friendship story.

  • Quills, Bunnies and Feathers

    Fred and George tell stories to their twin nieces of pranks they pulled on themselves and someone else...who could the girls' parents be? R&R please!

  • Sing Out the Truth

    There's a potions explosion and everybody is singing out their deepest secret! RHr, HG and many other things! Takes place during sixth book!

  • Fate or Destiny?

    A quartet of song fics that go together to make one fluffy story. Huge amounts of RHr and warnings for R rated themes in last chapter