
  • The mark of the Scales: The sixth signer

    Jack, Crow, and Yusei find a baby girl in a basket near the woods. They take her in as their younger sister and become very protective of her. They give her the name Ivy because of her birth mark ( Signer mark ). Like Akiza, she has special powers. (To control water and earth) Please read and review

  • The Edstackable wish

    Eddy winds a crystal Gem that can grant him any wish but before he gets to make his wish sara pops up out of nowere and threatens to get Ed grounded. Mad at her Eddy accidentaly wishes for sara to never have been Ed's sister. What Horror has Eddy unleashed on he and his friends? Read and find out.

  • The Amazing Race: Naruto addition

    The title says it all it is the Amazing Race Naruto style. Rated T for Hidan's mouth. Couples include SASUHINA, SHIKATEMA, NEJITEN, KAKAANKO, NARUINO, AND KIBASAKU.