
  • Mozaik Role: HiroMido

    Midorikawa must help Hiroto out of darkness, but Hiroto doesn't want any help. Not only that, but from having been dragged into the dark made Hiroto forget how Midorikawa had actually felt about him. All he knew was his own love for the green haired boy. / One-shot / Based off of the Vocaloid song "Mozaik Role"

  • Facing the Past

    Midorikawa is scared to face everyone after what he's done, but with Hiroto there to encourage him, he manages to gather up the courage to do so. - One-shot

  • Hiroto's Kokoro

    All Hiroto, a robot, wanted was a kokoro, but for a machine to obtain one, it must pay a specific price. - One-shot / Based off Vocaloid song "Kokoro"

  • Aliea Gakuen's Truth

    Raimon is finally at the base of Aliea Gakuen, where they meet a mysterious boy that seems all too familiar. What will happen when they learn the truth of Aliea Gakuen and the identity of this strange boy, who claims to be a human member of this alien group. One-shot.

  • A Wolf and a Cyborg

    Shirou and Atsuya survive the avalanche, but were declared dead to the public and were then raised in a lab to be used for scientific purposes. With one twin crossed with a wolf and the other now a cyborg, how will they lead the rest of their lives? Will Endou and the rest of the Raimon Eleven be able to help out the twins? - Contains blood, strong language, and mentions of death

  • Eren's Regret

    Armin's gone and Eren can't help but feel regret and a little bit of guilt. - Warning: Blood, descriptive character death, violence, & strong language.