The Carmine Wanker

  • The Truth Will Out

    Even though they got together after Flora had graduated from Alfea and they weren't breaking any rules, she and Palladium had chosen to keep their relationship secret for fear of how the others would react to it. However, certain developments make it so that they won't really be able to keep that secret much longer.

  • Snowmelt

    Shaphne AU of the Scooby Doo Christmas episode of WNSD

  • A Sleep Like Death

    Flora pricks her finger while watering a plant and falls into a sleep like death, putting her 'Prince Charming' in a tough situation. Student/professor but she's not a minor, Sleeping Beauty AU.

  • Just Like Fire

    Hermione feels guilty about the feelings she has for Charlie until she receives a little help from a friend. (REWRITE)

  • Through the Looking-Glass

    In which Tom is delivered to his soulmate by the Mirror of Erised. Soulmate AU/Time Travel AU.

  • Flowers and Cake

    One day, Charlie goes into Neville's flower shop.

  • Of Blood and Parchment

    When Hermione goes to the Burrow to celebrate Harry and Ginny's engagement, she gains a new appreciation of poetry.

  • Just Like Fire

    Just a little Christmas charmione.

  • Barmy

    In Hermione's fourth year, she stumbles upon a fascinating little secret. Her response startles herself. Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • Dreams of You and I

    Hermione has been in love with Charlie Weasley for over a year. When Ron dies in the Battle of Hogwarts, she is afraid she will never see his brother again.