
  • No More Dream

    The boys have run into some serious trouble. Namjoon has been bitten, and will ultimately turn. With the fire destroying what little food remains, Namjoon knows he must lead the boys to a new outpost or safe haven, before the inevitable takes his life and the fast approaching winter claims theirs...

  • Inevitability

    Fang's test was to last as long as possible before death, which was inevitable. I was creating a new species, one that made the flock look like antiques. I could study the flock in the arena and add those calculations into my log; the flock would eventually die in the arena in an amount of time. They were old school now and I needed the space for my new creations...

  • Beatlemania

    I giggled to myself as I reviewed the plan over in my head again. The room I was standing in would eventually hold The Beatles, the famous band. But I wanted them to stay here, forever, and that meant that they'd need to be chained and not have any chance for escape. I had arranged their capture, paying a man a hefty sum to bring them here.

  • Durability

    Valencia decides to measure the flocks heart rates when they exercise just out of curiosity. One shot.

  • Wandering

    I sighed heavily as I lay on my back in the tall grass, staring up at the gray sky. The river system was totally flooded from the rains; the fish had been swept out miles from here. Belt lay on my stomach, his chin resting on my ribs as he watched me. Images of steak and fish and my mom's delicious corn sauce on eggs flickered through my mind.

  • Critical Condition

    I looked out towards Fang as he stood about 25 feet away from us. The rain water dripped off his dark hair and down his soaked body, but he stayed out there, keeping watch. He slowly extended one wing, testing the wind lightly. He then extended the other wing. I watched as he then jumped into the air and unfurled his wings out hard, the wind snatching him up instantly.