
  • Roomie

    Collection of short fics. Living in a flat with Sherlock Holmes. Indescribable. There are many things John could never prepare for. Things that really must be experienced.

  • Smoke and Mirrors

    Arya finally says the words. Valar Morghulis. But what happens afterwards is not quite as she imagined. It sends her on a journey where nothing is certain or safe, with a guardian whose motives are shady and who doesn't like sharing his secrets. R&R, please.

  • Flower bud

    He's frightened and panicking and his legs lead him to the only person who could help. Rated T for swearing and cursing in the first part. Read and review, please. OneShot.

  • Truth or Dare

    After Voldemort's death, Snape is put in Azkaban for the crimes he commited. Five years later Harry is forced to turn to him for help. And the truth starts to unfold... Read and Review, please!

  • Frozen

    Severus Snape survived his encounter with Nagini and returned to teach in Hogwarts. When he ignores all Harry's attempts to contact him, Harry decides to do a little surprise. Read and Review.

  • Angel

    When Sherlock was young, something awful happened. His darkest secret he'd been hiding from John all the time, horrified his only friend would one day find out. But when an old enemy strikes unexpectedly, leaving Mycroft helpless for the first time in his life, John slowly uncovers the secret himself while fighting for Sherlock's life. Hints of abuse and violence. R&R, please.

  • If I Had A Heart

    A cold heart is a dead heart. And some that seems like made of stone can be capable of great love. When Thranduil's life is in utmost danger, it is his son who comes to his aid and he learns many unexpected things about him and his beloved mother, the Queen of Woodland Realm and why his father never speaks of her. Sequel to my other fic "Night Of The Illiara Star. R&R, please!

  • Night Of The Illiara Star

    Legolas finally tries to express what he feels to Tauriel but that doesn't actually turn as he wishes. And his father has something to say too, something Legolas won't particularly like... LegolasXTauriel, ThranduilXThe Queen. This is a prequel to my other fic, "If I Had A Heart," that explores the events of the Gundabad battle. Hope you like, read and review, please!

  • 1st

    It's the 1st of January. John finds Finch in a pretty low mood and Finch decides to share an old memory of his. One shot. Read and review, please! Thanks!

  • An Evening Of Empathy

    Hawkeye is alone and feeling low, having a chat with Charles, a chat that doesn't contain only insults or mockery. R&R, please.

  • A Moment of Weakness

    Arya is in trouble and is saved by nobody else but Tywin Lannister. They have a conversation late at night that - for a short moment - erases what lies between them. One Shot. Read and review, please :-)