Your Fellow Conspirator

  • War, Peace and (occasionally) Love

    AU. It's Ancient Greece, a time where the gods and goddesses still walk upon the earth. A prophecy insures that speaks of a certain goddess of war and wisdom, a peasant slave girl and human prince that will cross paths to stop the brewing war between two nations. Chapter 2 is here! (Finally)

  • A Love that Comes in Triangles

    Beactrice Prior is what they call Divergent. A flawed specimen in a seemingly perfect world. Jeanine Matthews is a conductor, she waves and tugs the strings of society as the leader of the Erudite. And her mysterious assistant Four is a wounded angel captured within her web of lies set on avenging his past. In order to claim their prize, they must unlock the key to Tris's heart.

  • The Days

    Jeanine's much deserved back story.

  • Times have Changed

    A account from Death perspective of the 20th century. Let's just hope he's pleased.

  • why did you bring roses?

    'Should I know you' I whisper gently,she seems so fragile now,like a freshly fallen snowflake, as if a mere touch could break her. 'Then you won't remember that I'm your sister,' It's snowing outside now and she has turned to watch the swirling fractals of ice flurry from the air to the ground. Her voice wavers and smothers out as if a chilly winter breeze had dampened her flames.

  • My Own Prince Charming

    " In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who she is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and she's not easy to spot; she's really funny, and she makes you laugh, and she has perfect hair." -Taylor Swift

  • Pure Imagination

    AU. What Maleficent arrives on Aurora's sixteenth birthday instead and whisks her off to live with her for 7 days with disastrous consequences. Maleficent's magic backfires and sends them both spinning into multiple alternate Disney stories were they are forced to understand the meaning of true love. Please read and review!

  • The Last Day of the World

    AU Death, What really happened to Prim on the last day of her life? Prim deserved a better death so here it is. PM me or comment below if you want me to do a ficlet of your favourite Hunger Games character and the song that best suits them.

  • Dancing with the Phantom

    AU What if Sherlock's death was left unsolved and John went on being a coffee-drinking, private detective? Then Danish singer Molly Hooper comes into his life after wanting to join the infamous St. Bartholomew's opera theatre that houses the Phantom of the Opera. Will solving the mystery of the Phantom solve John's problems once and for all?

  • The Love Games

    AU, Tris, Jeanine and Four are spun into an unworldly game show, the goal? To win Tris's heart. With appearances from: the Doctor himself, The Northern Lights (Golden Compass), Sherlock and strong Hunger Games undercurrents. Rated T for future chapters.