

  • Harry Potter: The Boy Who Streaks?

    Total crack, inspiration for it inside. Harry goes running naked through muggle London, but he has a good reason for it.

  • Everything Has Changed

    Small moment between Jack and Ianto in the middle of the night, set shortly after Jack returns. Warning: depression

  • Do not go gently into that good night

    The night after the play Neil creeps into his father's office and pulls out the gun. TW- attempted suicide. Happy/hopeful ending. Fix-it fic. slightly Anderperry

  • Back to Me

    your basic CoE fix-it, Ianto wakes up after the events at Thames House. Warnings: unintended Gwen bashing? (maybe? i dont know how to write her to be not annoying...), slight cursing. One-shot.

  • Touch

    Sherlock is frustrated and John doesn't understand why until it is spelled out for him. asexual!Sherlock, one-shot

  • Things Can Change

    Mostly just fluff. Blaise and Seamus have been casually dating (read as: shagging) for a while and decide they may want more than that, but the converstation doesnt go quite as smoothly as one would hope. This is a really crap summary.

  • The Kiss Cam

    "Why are Kiss Cams at Quidditch matches not a popular HP fanfic trope yet?"

  • Five Times Sam Was a Major Cockblock and One Time He Wasn't

    Exactly what the title says. Lots of tension, eye contact, and moosus-interruptus. Rated M for safety.

  • Trick-and-Treat

    Just a little bit of Halloween fun including Scott making up a terrible excuse, Derek being oblivious, and Stiles channeling Grease. one-shot, T for slight slash at the end and one curse word

  • The one where Jackson pretends to be pissed off but actually loves it

    Danny and Derek fly out to visit Jackson in England, fluff ensues. One-shot. T for language bc Jackson needs to watch his language.

  • The Drinny Drabbles

    Collection of stories, based around Ginny and Draco. Kind of a sequel more inside . T for language and just to be safe.

  • Of funerals and blood traitors

    "Im the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral, cant understand what I mean? Well you soon will." Companion to "One Week" What happened at Aunt Bella's funeral that got Draco so upset.

  • One Week

    Follows Ginny and Draco through the worst argument of their relationship, thus far. Song-fic for "One Week" by the Barenaked Ladies. Rated T for language and implied sexual situations

  • Smiles and Lies

    "the average person smiles fifty times a day" One-shot. Ginny struggles to accept life after the war.

  • Draco and the apple

    What would happen if Ginny found out about Draco's apple obsession after they were already married? One-shot. T for a couple curse words.

  • What a Girl Wants

    Ginny is upset over her recent break up. Could salvation come in the form of one Draco Malfoy? 'Cause he is really nice now. Bit AU and OOC in parts. Look for the AVPM refferences scattered throughout! R&R! rated M for smuttiness

  • Together

    One shot Harry and Draco. Rated T for safety. They meet in secret in the Room of Requirement.