D.G.S - DeathGodSlayer

  • The End of An Era

    The West rises like a fire. And hidden behind it's smoke is war. It's warriors, fearful, scared and full of rage makes promises towards the End of Shinobi. And Naruto, with the Unifed East at his back and a prophecy of his own to fulfill, face total annihilation...

  • We Are Jinchuuriki

    We are Jinchuuriki. The Power of Human Sacrifice. The Pinnacle of Soldier. Follow the Doctrine and achieve honour. Break it and receive disgrace. Your life is the next mission, your life is to protect and serve the innocents from tyranny and evil. The world will not know your name or your face, but you will become a hero without need for reward or gratitude. You are Jinchuuriki. AU

  • Kiiroi Senkou

    REBOOT. 'I'm not a Pirate, I'm an Adventurer' The justification of a criminal, wanted throughout the world. Naruto Namikaze; 'The Yellow Flash', Captain of the Yellow Flash Pirates, this is how the infamy began, how he rose to become something of legend.

  • Demon Lacrima

    REBOOT. Hades was unaware that upon entering the small village he would come across the very thing he was looking for, finally he had found a host for that which he had clinged onto for so long. A holder, a wielder for the strongest Demon Lacrima in existence.

  • The Four Nations

    REBOOT. Airbending. The art lost to the pages of history. Taken by a powerhungry Fire Lord. The hope of possibly restoring this art is rekindled with the rearrival of Avatar Aang. Yet Aang is soon to discover that he is not alone... A boy with a miraculous heritage has surfaced, and together they will bring the art back to life.