Aria DC al Fine

  • It's the things we love the most that destroy us

    Every time dark dots appeared on his twin's skin, he didn't know if they were really just freckles or tiny symbols depicting someone's adoration. Not that Rin wasn't happy Yukio was loved. It was just… Rin hadn't got a new mark since he was four. AU, where love leaves a mark on a person's skin. Edit: on HIATUS due to manga chp 64. Just read it and you'll understand.

  • Wired Life

    For as long as Yukio could remember, the red string tied around his pinky connected him straight to his older brother's. But Rin had never acknowledged it. (If something exists only in your mind, is it real?) Tags: Red String of Fate, Soul-Bond, Okumuracest, manga-spoilers

  • The Course of a River

    "Why did I have to run into Kassim that time?" This is a story that describes what happened if Alibaba was stopped from sneaking out of the palace that fateful night. Tags: King Alibaba, HakuryuuxAlibaba, AU-Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Politics.

  • In the coolness, Gods and Buddha, dwell as neighbours

    Yato glared at the group of humans in front of him. "Damn exorcists," he raised his arm and placed it in front of his new Shinki. "Don't ever come near what's mine!" "What are you talking about?" Rin turned to Shura. "That's my brother, right? He's still alive, right?" The redhead sighed. "Only spirits of dead people can be Shinkis." Warning: (Temporary?) Character Death

  • The Parable

    Written in conjunction with Harry Potter and the Heart Diamond by Elpin. What if Draco didn’t survive? AngstRomance, SLASH HPDM, Character Death

  • Abyss

    The death of him brings the death of the world

  • Take a Picture of Me, Harry

    Photos cannot lie. He loves me, even if only through the camera. SLASH HPDM. Ignoring HBP

  • Cracked Diamond

    Don’t be so sad. Someone has to play this role. I’m just playing my role. SLASH HPDM. Ignoring HBP

  • Knowing

    To know is to suffer. SLASH HPDM

  • Darkening Twilight

    The boundary of magic is unseen, dimensions coexisting together as one world. Without even realising, powerful mages are everywhere around you, and all, in the name of magic, are called to solve the problem against the dark under the twilight. PostOOTP, i

  • Morning Sunshine

    Sequel of [Feeling Empty Without]. The blonde kid entered Harry's life. How would it change their paths? AU. PreSLASH HPDM

  • The Angel

    A New Chronicle: what the little angel thinks about his family and the world he was brought upon. Sequel of Torn Between Two SLASH HPDM

  • Torn Between Two

    It was hard being a woman, especially one who loved two men who were on different sides of the War. Narcissa’s soliloquy.

  • What Perfect Really Means

    Two males learn that, perfection can be found in the weirdest of all situations. SLASH DMHP. Don’t like don’t read!

  • Lunacy II

    There is nothing good in having two mad people stay together…SLASH HPDM

  • Lunacy

    It was a mad world we were living in. A confession made by Pansy Parkinson about her world and how people around her interacted. Angst, homo, and OC

  • Le Noir

    Darkness is a mystery. It allures us. But once you are in it, it scares us, and it would not let you go. Not until light saves you and take you out from it. Non-magical AU. OCs. SLASH HPDM

  • Autumn Epilogue

    Last story to [Seasons Chronicle]. SLASH HPDM. The happy ending of it all.

  • Lullaby

    Additional ficlet to [Seasons Chronicle]. SLASH HPDM. Harry told insane Veela!Draco a bedtime story.

  • Spring Euphoria

    Alternate Ending to [Summer Regrets] SLASH HPDM. What if Veela!Draco didn’t die? What if Harry managed to pull him out of insanity?