
  • 1968

    In 1968 another addition is added to Martin Brenner's program. Henry Creel finds himself fascinated with her and her abilities. Will there be romance or will there be a catastrophe?

  • Beyond the Ropes

    Juniper Bravehart, creative writer and part time wrestler, is thrown into the deepend when she has to participate in a major storyline with Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley leading up to Wrestlemania. She discovers that these storylines bring people closer than she had first anticipated.

  • Walking towards the sun

    Not long before the Fellowship arrives in Lothlorien another arrives confused and dazed. Despite the Marchwarden's mistrust she is welcomed into Caras Galadhon. Big revelations occur and she decides to join the Fellowship on their quest. Friendships develop, romances blossom on their way to destroy all evil. Please review!

  • Uncovered Memories

    "Three children bestowed with great gifts. Three children sent by the Valar to battle against great evil. They shall age and possess immortality like elves and have appearance like men. Three children of Earth" and so it was settled. Emdiril would now live with Elves. (Currently editing and re-uploading)

  • What We Are

    "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice quiet as she stared out of the window, into the distance. "I…" he spoke up, his voice was hoarse… it had been obvious that it wasn't easy for him. "I'm sorry." He shoved his hands into his jean pockets, his head hanging low." One-shot [AU].

  • Lured into the Darkness

    Jade leaves her hometown Duncanville, Georgia and her horrible past behind and moves in with her aunt, who lives in Beacon Hills. But this does not necessarily make her life easier.