
  • To Know and Notice

    There was another applicant for the Divination teaching position the day Sybil Trelawney was hired. Sherlock Holmes. He may have been an unwilling applicant, but he was competent. He was hired, Sybil was never even interviewed, and the fateful prophesy wasn't heard or noticed. Not at first anyways.

  • Hayden Harkness

    When odd rift energy leads the Torchwood team to Privet Dr. in Surrey, what they find there will not only change the lives of Jack and Ianto, but also the life of one very special little boy. When Harry is adopted by the two, will the worlds of science and magic be drawn together?

  • Herman's in the TARDIS

    Hermione is hurt and upset, but mostly she's just furious at Ron. With one baby already and another on the way, why can't he just act like a responsible adult? That's how she ends up at her parent's house one night and that's why she's able to meet the strange man who falls from the sky in an odd blue box. Will she go with him? And will she take Rose with her?

  • This is Not America

    Muggleborns are always trying to pull stunts to assert their awesomeness, which is understandable, but sometimes giving energy drinks to the half-bloods isn't such a great idea. One-shot based on i-am-benedict-cumberlocked. tumblr. com/ post/ 88181519803/ no-but-can-you-imagine-muggle-borns-in-astrology

  • That American Kid

    Set during WWII, an American student attending Hogwarts tries his best to fit in, but his patronus won't let him deny his home country. Based on destispell. tumblr. com/ post/ 88388067211/ imagine-an-american-going-to-hogwarts-determined

  • We Will Rock You

    Who knew a shy witty comeback to the classic blood status insult would result in most of the great hall stomping and singing? One-shot based off of this tumblr post. dick-jenga. tumblr. com/ post/ 87520950402/ a-muggleborn-student-gets-called-a-mudblood-so

  • Harry Stark

    The Dursleys simply weren't an option for young Harry, but how closely related did his new guardian have to be? Would a distant cousin in the states work? Harry is adopted by Nathan Stark and science, magic, and awesome collide inside a large cloud of family drama. Harry never could have the perfect home. Harry PotterxEurekaxIronMan. Nathan Stark/Allison Blake.

  • Solid Proof

    Lily Evans hated James Potter. That fact never changed. However, there was one man she loved with all her heart. A certain man with two hearts. But Madame Koverian will stop at nothing to get to this man, including taking his wife and un-born child and manipulating their time-lines. The Doctor doesn't remember, but when he sees his son, will his dreams be recognized as reality?

  • The Great Game

    Charlus and Dorea Potter had two sons. What happened to the second? Is he fit to raise his nephew? Dumbledore sure didn't think so, but that won't stop him from going out and finding his family. James Moriarty/Richard Brook is Richard Potter.

  • Watson and Potter

    Frustrated at not being able to do anything in the wizarding world after the war, Remus Lupin decides to join the muggle world instead. It takes years, but with a new name, a medical degree, and a rank of 2nd lieutenant in the British army, Remus finally finds his best friend's son, Harry.

  • Heaven's Time

    Something tore heaven apart; nothing is clearer than that. But it wasn't some silly argument over humans that did it, rather the loss of the youngest archangel. However, in a traveling man with two hearts and a blue box, he is found again.

  • Identical Darkness

    All Harry wanted was a different life-a life where he would be spared all the pain and death that surrounded him every second of his. He didn't bargain for this though. Sent back in time, Harry gets a new set of parents and a twin. Unfortunately, that twin is destined to be as dark as they come and goes by the name Barty Crouch Junior. Will Harry follow his brother into darkness?

  • Merlin--Always Saving Arthur's Arse

    When Harry's twin is hit by Voldemort's killing curse, he becomes someone who had never been born. In the blink of an eye, he goes from his house in Godric's Hollow to a little cottage in Ealdor. It's centuries in the past and suddenly, people are calling him Merlin. And as it turns out, Harry is the once and future king reincarnated. What a mess of mixed up prophesies.

  • Mirror

    A little bit of Mycroft and Col. Black. I ship it. Because why not? Slash.

  • Student Exchange Program

    The differences between American and European wizarding schools are vast. Based on this tumblr post. tin-pan-ali. tumblr. com/ post/ 91334160129 One-shot.

  • From Loss to Life

    Another child is left orphaned by the struggles of the Wizarding World, but this time, the child is a squib. Eight year old Rose Weasley, separated from all she knows and holds dear, must build up a new life for herself when she is sent to live with her cold and distant 3rd cousin, Mycroft Holmes.

  • Diary of the Oddest Ravenclaw

    My name is Natalia Holmes. I am 16 years old. I go to Hogwarts. I work for UNIT. I haven't seen my parents or brothers in seven years. My life is awful. This is my diary. A Harry Potter/Sherlock/Doctor Who/Torchwood/Eureka x-over.

  • The Seventh

    Seventh sons are dangerous-a fact well known to the American magical community. Having a seventh son is a crime punishable by death and when Lisa Michaels discovers that she's pregnant with one, what choice does she have but to flee the country and move in with a distant relative-namely Lily Potter. How will this affect the fate of the Potters?

  • Letting Go

    It's been two months since the fall, and Sherlock contacts John to help him with a case. When his friend's response results in his being shot, how will Sherlock cope? Canon through season 2, but not for season 3.

  • 16 and Schoolless

    Azalea is a fairly average witch. At least she would be if her extraordinarily picky and powerful father didn't keep bouncing her from school to school. The year is 2012 and despite the fact that this is her sixth school, not counting home school, she's hopeful that at Hogwarts, she will finally find what she's been looking for.