

  • BoO Continuations

    Some post-BoO one shots, sort of similar to Forever, but more BoO related. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! Hope you love it! Muchas Gracias my Lovelies! M

  • Tartarus

    Percy and Annabeth tell the others what happened in Tartarus. It's as emotional as expected, But I've attempted to keep it light. Just a quick story in reaction to Rick throwing my babies into Hell. Leave me a review, Muchas Gracias, my lovelies.

  • Sick

    Annabeth has the flu and general cuteness ensues. There is literally no plot and Rick is going to come after me because this is straight unadulterated fluff. T for mild adult themes. Please Review if you're in the mood or if your name is Ronald and you love eating purple scones. Muchas Gracias my lovelies.

  • The Woman

    When Mark Reynolds goes missing on a simple mission, Maddy is sent into a panic. What's going on? And who is the woman? PLEASE comment. Just to say that you're having a nice day. Or whatever you think is needed. Muchas Gracias my lovelies.

  • Drunk

    Just a quick fun fic starring drunk Tris. Could become a collection of oneshots if I get my act together. Hope you enjoy! ***Now a collection, starting with the above and branching into other crud that I write!***

  • Thermometer II

    A spinoff of AnnabethChase999's Thermometer. Challenge complete! Review at your leisure

  • New

    Annabeth is back for a summer at camp, but issues with Percy, a new camper, and drama are sure to follow. Will at some point have multiple chapters, but give me some time. Muchas Gracias my Lovelies. M

  • Forever

    Just another cute story about Percy and Annabeth in High School. Is now a collection of one shots, all very cute and happy, so there will be no reason to cry. Keep being you! Muchas Gracias my Lovelies! M

  • Date

    What happens when Isabelle wants to go on a date but her father isn't so sure? Rated T for minor language

  • Annabeth

    As we all know, Octavian brutally murdered Percy's pillow pet, so now we can see the events that unfold when Annabeth finds out about this, and naturally cuteness ensues. You know me, pure fluff with a dash or plain adorable. Leave me a review! Muchas Gracias my Lovelies M

  • Times have Changed

    A quick story about Molly and Sherlock reflecting on how much they've changed in the last three years. Set after Season 3. A bit of Sherlolly at the end. Leave me a review! M

  • Mother Daughter Talk

    Annabeth and Athena have a little chat. Written for Women's Day 2014, so no Percy :(. Leave me a review, sorry it's so short, I just had to get it out of my head. Muchas Gracias my Lovelies. M

  • The Pajama Incident

    Short spin off of my other story SICK, a quick explanation of what they meant by the Pajama Incident. I would love some reviews, so leave me one if you're in the mood. Read the Authors note at the end for more instructions. Rated T for mild sexual themes. Muchas Gracias my lovelies.