

  • CentiStories

    My collection of drabbles. Will be a variety, including bromance, humor, friendship, romance, and angst. No slash, but plenty of bromance to suffice. Chapter 986- Leon learns about honor.

  • it's my own remorse, help me to decide

    Simmons wants to help Fitz in any way she can, even if it means putting her soul on the line. She goes to May for help. May and Simmons friendship with Fitzsimmons friendship.

  • we're alone but side by side

    It's been five months since she swam to the surface with her best friend, yet Fitz is still not recovered. Simmons blames Ward for everything that has occurred. But what happens when he promises her a way to save Fitz, if she only comes with him?

  • What Good Am I?

    Being a surgeon was a tiring job. Being a full-time doctor was worse. Being both to a full crew in space was awful. Being the friend of two self-sacrificing idiots was draining. Leonard Horatio McCoy was all of them, and he was exhausted. At a time when McCoy is at his worst, Jim comes in to help him out.

  • Sharing a Bed

    The Doctor and Donna are forced to share a bed for one night. Purely brotp fluff for a prompt thing my friends and I are doing. This one's for rexbasileus.

  • One Last Shot

    Hydra's taken over the base, and their people are swarming through all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work. They have one last shot to change the tides, and it's on Fitz's shoulders to do so. But how do you get through to someone you haven't spoken to in months? Fitzsimmons. One shot.

  • do you still believe in one another

    It's been a rough few months for both Fitz and Ward. Unable to express themselves freely and struggling with circumstances, they've both become sullen and lonely. But what happens when Fitz wanders down stairs to confront the man who made him like this? Fitzward frienship. Post 2x01. Spoilers.

  • and i'm sorry i had to go

    Tag to 2x01 "Shadows" A possible explanation for why Simmons would leave Fitz in his time of need.

  • Scientists In Love

    My collection of stories for Fitzsimmons Week Summer Edition 2014. Day 1: Stargazing. Day 2: Unexpected. Day 3: Fantasy. Day 4: Stupidity. Day 5: Nightmare. Day 6: Stereotype. Day 7: Ribbon- On her wedding day, Simmons needs something borrowed and something blue.

  • When the World Crashes Down

    Post-Finale. Jemma Simmons is struggling to cope with the state of her best friend, Leo Fitz. The team is there to help, each in their own way. Features all team members, shopping trips, late night teas, and long conversations.

  • Capture the Flag

    In which S.H.I.E.L.D. is divided into two schools (boys and girls) and each side uses dirty tactics to win Capture the Flag. Based on a post by agentvictoriahand on tumblr.

  • Drifting

    Tag to 1x21. Inspired by the promotional picture released on Entertainment Weekly. They were drifting in the ocean, alone and dying. But at least they had each other. A Fitzsimmons piece.

  • Of Things Broken

    Tag to 1x20. It's not the first time Simmons has seen Fitz's outburst of rage. A Fitzsimmons piece that deals with broken promises of fathers and broken objects in a room.

  • Never Let Go

    Fitz isn't where he's supposed to be, but that doesn't mean Jemma won't find him anyway. Episode tag to 1x17 "Turn, Turn, Turn". Fitzsimmons friendship or romantic. An almost companion piece to "Time".

  • Time

    So much had changed. Death, destruction, and disaster were swirling around them. What was he supposed to do? A reflection on Fitz post Episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn." Tag to 1x17. Character exploration.

  • Losing to the Upper Hand

    A "what if" tag to the 1x17 promo. A take on what would happen if Agent Victoria Hand got her way. The men did just as she said they would- they shot everyone on that plane except for Agent Phil Coulson, and now he's left to deal with the aftermath. Major character deaths.