
  • The Sibling Trap

    Both Sam and Gabriel are tired of their brothers' constant flirting (and then denying it) and have decided to conspire together to set Dean and Castiel up. But after spending so much time together, will Sam and Gabriel grow to be more than just friends? (Canon up until 8.07; Castiel never meets Naomi and he doesn't stay with Fred at the end of 8.08) R&R! Rated T for now. Fluff!

  • Pocket Note

    Sam and Dean go on a hunt. Dean finds a nice surprise in his pocket. 100-word drabble.

  • An Adorable Fear

    Destiel. Cas calls Dean while in the midst of a shower; he's afraid of something in the bathroom. Rated T for moderate language and mild adult themes at the end. Major fluff with a little tiny bit of angsty anger. R&R!

  • Supernatural Shuffle Challenge

    The Shuffle Challenge to my new biggest fandom, Supernatural. Destiel and more. First fanfic post in the SPN fandom for me. :) rated T (for now) due to language and adult themes.

  • Frost

    Post-Movie(s). Pitch talks Hans into teaming up to gain the revenge they both seek, and Pitch give nightmares to all the citizens of Arendelle. Jack and Elsa must team up to fight Pitch, but are very competitive and strive to outdo each other. But after working together, will their competition turn into something more...? And can they defeat Pitch and Hans? Rated T for now.

  • Sharing

    100 word Drabble to let y'all know I'm still alive. Still working on SIYE. Still working on Frost. Still working on school and becoming healthy and handling friends and love life and etc. so... updates are rare right now. But this idea was awesome. Not really. But it had to be written. IT HAD TO BE. Please review. Rated T for tobacco reference. ENJOY!