

  • The Prank

    The Marauders didn't just prank the Slytherins, mainly Snape, but they often pranked each other. What happens when Remus and James pranks an unsuspecting Sirius?

  • Gaara's Past: What if?

    What if Gaara's siblings cared more about him. What would have happened that night Gaara's uncle tried to kill him. Would things have turned out better? Would Gaara be a love-less monster? Sand Sibling Bonding Fic. Gaara is about five or so. One-shot

  • Do You Want to Catch a Bijuu?

    A version of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" from Frozen. Deidara tries to get Sasori out of his room and go catch a bujii (a tailed beast). Will he succeed? One-Shot. Pretty simple. Sad ending though. Disclaimer: I don't own Frozen or Naruto

  • A Werewolf's Life

    We get a look at Remus Lupin's life as a werewolf, starting from being bitten, up to at least where his friends find out. But how will they find out? Will Lupin tell them, will they figure it out? Or will they be most unfortunate and see him as a werewolf. Time of the Marauders.

  • The Bravest Man He Ever Knew

    On the first day of school James gets Albus into trouble, and the two of them our brought to the headmisttresses office, where Albus meets two very interesting paintings. How will it turn out? ONE-SHOT.

  • I Just Want You To Know Who I Am

    Real World AU! Police Officer Kanan Jarrus was just transferred to the small city of Lothal. It's a relatively peaceful city, if you ignore the fact that there is a mob that goes by the Imperials that enjoy terrorizing the citizens. But Kanan also has something else to deal with: a teenager who seems to pickpocket tri-weekly, and shoplift bi-weekly. Cover image by xldoorslx

  • Undercover Disastor

    The Rebels desperately need important information, but when this info is hidden in a high school, not for training troopers but a totally normal school how will they get it? Of course by sending Ezra in undercover. One problem, Ezra hasn't been to school since he was seven and is incredibly nervous. How will our favorite Jedi in training deal with the trials of school.

  • Period Hero

    During the Clone Wars, Anakin visited his secret wife, Senator Padme Amidala as often as he could. But one of these visits happens to be during Padme's special time of month. What will Anakin do? What any good husband would do, run to the store and get her stuff she needs. One-Shot, based off a post I saw on Tumblr.

  • Alone

    He was a normal child until the day the Imperials kidnapped his parents. A little one shot about the day Ezra's parents were taken away and what followed. Ezra was just seven when this happened, what could possibly be going through his mind during this. You will probably cry.

  • Rebels Aladdin

    Disney's Aladdin retold by the characters of Star Wars Rebels. Ezra has been a streetrat for most of his life. But when by chance he meets Princess Sabine it is love at first sight for both them. But while Sabine is being forced to marry a prince by orders of her father Sultan Zeb, his advisor, just know as the Inquisitor is trying to take over Lothal. Disclaimer I don't ow Aladdin

  • Comfort

    Ezra wakes from a nightmare, the worst nightmare he was had in a while. But the thing is Ezra is just so used to being on his own, he tries to deal with it on his own. But when it only gets worse will he seek out help from a certain member of the crew and find the comfort he hasn't had in a long time, or will l he just continue as he is used to. One-Shot May contain OOC.

  • Ice Skating

    : It's winter break at Hogwarts, and the Marauders decide to stay this time round. It is there fourth year and Remus has decided to teach the others to ice skate. But he may have bit off more than he could chew.

  • First Christmas

    During Naruto's travels with Jiraiya, Christmas approaches, but the pervy sage thinks something is up when the kid shows no excitement towards the impending holiday. Will Jiraiya find out the truth and make this the best Christmas Naruto ever has, or will his pervy tendencies ruin everything. Bonding type thing between Jiraiya and Naruto, One-shot.

  • Why Deidara Hates Winter

    Ever stick your tongue to a metal pole on a cold winter day. Well, Deidara learns the hard way to stay far away from metal poles when he gets stuck and left behind by Sasori, but who will find him and how will he get off the pole. Please read and review, love y'all. Pretty much a crack one shot.

  • Child Criminals

    A sequel to my other story "Tiny Criminals" due to another messed up jutsu courtesy of Tobi half the Akatsuki are de-aged to the age and mind of small children. So of course their remaining partners have to take care of them. Which babysitter will crack first, and what kind of havoc will be dished out. Read and find out

  • Tiny Criminals

    A jutsu gone wrong shrinks about half the Akatsuki down to size of a thumb, about two inches. And the other half is in charge of watching them. What can possibly go wrong when you have irresponsible criminals looking after their shrunken partners, well a lot. Now finished.

  • Worst News Possible

    So while do research for another story I'm writing I found out that Mr. and Mrs. Potter (the parents of James Potter 1) were elderly and most likely died from 1974-1981 of natural causes. What if they died while James was at Hogwarts? How will he take it, how will others help him now that his parents are dead?

  • What If: Wrong Date (Prisoner of Azkaban)

    What if Sirius had meant to come into the castle on Halloween, but being in Azkaban and on the run in the wild for so long made him lose track of the date, he breaks into the castle November 1st instead.

  • The Birthmark: skit

    okay so for english we read The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne, for my group i wrote a skit. Since it is not a catagory on here i decided to put it under Harry Potter because i refrence it about three times. I hope you find this and read it because it is very funny.

  • A New Boggart

    During Harry's fifth year one Defense Against the Dark Arts his class faces another boggart. Will any boggarts still be the same? May contain some OOC One-shot