

  • The Kinetic Energy

    What if Wally west never died? What if the kinetic energy did something more than that?

  • Revealing Secrets

    BB and Raven have a lot of secrets... and a lot of them are about to be revealed.

  • Unknown Birthday

    BB never told anyone about his birthday. Well, he better start now.

  • He Isn't Stupid

    Everyone thought Beast Boy was stupid sometimes. But it's not his fault he grew up speaking Swahili and his language barrier stops him.

  • His Proudest Moments

    Beast Boy's struggle with depression isn't about to go away. And he finally need to confront everyone about it.

  • Time Turners lead to Time Travel

    James Sirius Potter was just hanging out with his girlfriend. No problem, until he broke a time turner sending them back in time to the Order of the Phoenix. Brilliant James! Just brilliant!

  • Her Struggle

    Jinx is left alone after leaving the HIVE Five and she needs somewhere to stay.

  • Harry Meets The Marauders

    This isn't a typical Harry Potter time travel fan fic!