

  • A Moving Sea

    Courfeyrac's pulse quickened at Combeferre's suggestion, at the hint of naughtiness playing around the edges of his smile, the glint of mischief in his eyes. That smile had gotten him into more trouble than Courfeyrac could easily remember... and it was about to get him into even more. (Combeferre/Courfeyrac, Combeferre/Courfeyrac/Other, light dom/sub, mild dub!con, ace!Courfeyrac)

  • Replacing the Poetic With the Real

    There was no doubt in Courfeyrac's mind that he and Combeferre had been made for each other. Friends since they were children at play in sandboxes, Courfeyrac was blazing passion where Combeferre was gentle warmth, but they fit. They were perfect together. All their friends said so... perfect. Now, all that remained was for their tattoos to confirm it. (C/C, soulmate tattoo AU)

  • Muet

    In a world where the government controls even thoughts, free speech is a luxury few can afford. Les Amis believe it should not be a luxury so much as a right, and those in power will do whatever they must to silence them for good. When Enjolras falls to them, Les Amis are left reeling and without a leader, but R couldn't care less about that. He just wants his partner back.

  • Feels Like Flying

    When Grantaire first met Enjolras, his life was falling apart. His restaurant was failing. So, when he boasted to Enjolras that he made the best Crab Napoleon in the city, no one would have expected that Grantaire could ever live up to that boast. This wasn't a romantic comedy... this was real life. And real life just didn't work that way. (Simply Irresistible AU, e/R bg C/C)

  • A Dream Deferred

    Little Orphan Annie goes home with Daddy Warbucks. Every time. That was the fairy tale, the dream of every orphan. Though Feuilly had stopped believing in fairy tales, had given up on the dream, long ago… that didn't stop him from wishing for his own brand of happily ever after. (Courfeyrac & Feuilly, sql to Fais de Beaux Reves, Feuilly backstory, mentions of child neglect/abuse)

  • Dawn and Dusk and Forever In Between

    Isabeau treasured every second of each awakening; never missed a single sunrise. A single sunset. They were precious reminders, now, of the time she had lost to a curse she could not control. They were happy... except for the fact that something was very much missing... someone. (Isabeau/Navarre/Philippe, post-canon, hurt-comfort, caretaking, snowed in)

  • In His Footsteps

    Fame came at a high price… and it was one Adam Banks was weary of paying. (Adam, Guy, future fic, post-canon, gen, but can be read as pre-slash if you're so minded)

  • Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again

    "You've been sitting on this couch marathoning every movie, TV show and bootlegged musical that Michel de Courfeyrac has been in for the past ten years and you've watched the Phantom movie far more times than can possibly be healthy for such a short span of time. You only do that when you're upset." Grantaire gave Combeferre another shake. "Talk to me." (celebrity AU; C/C)

  • Fais de Beaux Rêves

    "I feel like I've spent my whole life fighting to convince people that there's nothing wrong with me, that it's not just a matter of 'finding the right person'. And if what I feel for you *is* different… I feel like I'd be betraying my entire identity and everything I've fought for if I admit that it might be." (Courfeyrac x Feuilly, aro/ace character, h/c, sick!fic)

  • Kiss You, Kiss Me Kiss Him, Too?

    An alternate ending to Kiss You, Kiss Me, where a little talking goes a long way towards clearing up the angst of a morning after which had been set to go entirely wrong, and ends in everyone involved getting to have their cake and eat it, too. (E/C/C)

  • To Comfort a Friend

    From the first day Feuilly had joined them, sitting quietly in the background of a meeting, he'd made a huge impact on Enjolras. In several short comments, the dark-haired, dark-eyed nameless worker had dismantled several of their key arguments and bolstered others. Enjolras had been smitten. (Enjolras x Feuilly; background character death; grief; emotional h/c)

  • Can You Hear Me?

    Combeferre could feel his breath coming faster, shallower, thought somewhere in a detached, clinical part of his mind that he couldn't possibly be taking in enough oxygen, that he was risking hyperventilation if he couldn't slow it down. But that didn't matter. What mattered was no matter how desperately he called... Courfeyrac wasn't answering. (C/C, h/c, injury, car accident).