
  • Pleasure in the Revelation

    Suddenly this whole evening is a revelation, the realization of just how good it can be when it's someone you care about—really care about and not just want in the moment—nearly taking his breath away. AKA the Bedhead missing scene. A Scenes From an Accidental Courtship tangent.

  • Plus One

    He might have wished, once upon a time, that he hadn't made all the mistakes he'd made, but now he thinks it's okay, because he got his plus one in the end.

  • Like Coal on the Lips

    Sanctification. Purification. Absolution. She wasn't sure what she was looking for, but what she'd found was infinitely more precious: acceptance. Part 13 of Scenes From an Accidental Courtship.

  • Out of the Darkness, Into the Light

    "Hey," he said, pushing closer, wrapping both hands around her head to force her to look at him. "You are the most important person in the world to me, and you're hurting. It doesn't have to be me, but it needs to be someone you trust. Talk to Deeks if you think it'll help. But don't shut us out. Okay?"

  • Howl at the Moon

    Ever since Kate had found out about the dire wolves, she'd wondered why she hadn't freaked out as much as she'd expected. She'd been surprised, and yeah, she could admit to being scared when faced with a furious wolf, snarling and snapping at everyone within range. But once she'd understood what was really going on, she'd changed her tune. A Werewolf AU. Sort of.