
kaihil lover

  • Nothing Says Love

    … Like beating up a psychopathic maniac for the person you love. [KaiXHil]

  • Overrated

    It's a well known fact that Kai Hiwatari is overrated. And Hilary Tachibana is determined to drill that little piece of information into the Russian blader's head. [KaiXHil]

  • Star Mile

    He's forever stuck between leaving and staying. [KaiXHil]

  • No Incest in the House

    There are some enforced rules which really can't last in the Granger Dojo, and banning incest was clearly one of them.

  • Chasing Pavements

    If he was sixteen, he'd have gone chasing after her out on the frozen streets of Russia. But now there's a maroon-eyed kid in his old bed room probably scared out of his wits waiting for him, so maybe he can wait just for a little while. When a four-year old Gou is left on Kai's doorstep, the Blitzkrieg Boys getting a kick out of it isn't the only consequence. [Deds to Dead-bY-n0w]

  • Two Thousand Miles Away

    He sees her picture in the newspaper, and it's like the heartache is fresh all over again. Even if he has no one but his own self to blame for it. [Drabble] [KaiXHil-ish]

  • Crazy Ever After

    Kai Hiwatari, willingly going up against Black Dranzer, after all these years, is not something Hiromi feels comfortable with. At the end of it all, competition never really ends. [KaiXHil]

  • Bad Hair Day

    Kai Hiwatari loses his hairgel and looks nothing short of ugly. Hilary and Tyson, now, what can they do except take great joy in their ex-captain's state of misery? [KaiXHil] [Deds to Kawaii-Chibi-Kai]

  • Cat Tales

    Because a love for kitty cats can lead to many interesting events. [KaiXHil]