
  • We'll be together

    "He's playing with us, Hope. We need to get out of here. We need to wake up, and this is the only way." Inception-inspired post-LR fic.

  • HopeLight Drabbles

    Short stories about our favorite OTP. [No. 6] The visions didn't give her the power to change the future. All they did was to give her the opportunity to watch him die, over and over again.

  • New World

    Alternate ending of Lightning Returns.

  • Void

    "From the moment they set foot in the new world, Fang knew something was up with Vanille. The rest of the gang never seemed to notice it, but they didn't know her like Fang knew her. Vanille's smile might be as bright as always and her laughter as natural and contagious, but Fang could still see the pain hidden behind the cheerful front." Post-LR.

  • LR-based HopeLight Drabbles

    Drabbles and ficlets about our favorite OTP based on the Lightning Returns universe. Not spoiler free. [No. 11] And so the world ends

  • The nameless soldier

    "'Start running,' Lightning said. 'I'll keep them busy.'" What if Snow and Fang hadn't arrived in Palumpolum in time? Angst.

  • What happens in Valhalla

    Short stories about Caius and Lightning during their eternal war. What happens in Valhalla, stays in Valhalla. [No. 2] Warmth

  • The Wedding Day

    "Fang looked at their joined hands, one pair clad in white lace, one pair covered in henna tattoos. The hands were as different as night and day, just like the women they belonged to. They had always been each other's opposites, which was why fit together so perfectly." Just a short, simple fanille wedding fic.

  • The lullaby

    "'Vargen ylar I nattens skog. Han vill, men kan inte sova,' she began, her voice soft and slightly out of tune. It was the only lullaby she knew, the one her mother used to sing to her when she couldn't sleep." A one-shot where Ymir comforts a crying Christa by singing her a lullaby.

  • Obviously

    "Her friends often called her a prude, but Vanille knew it was more than that. It wasn't that she was too shy to flirt with boys. She simply wasn't interested in it. The way her friends felt about boys, she felt about Fang." In-verse, pre-game.

  • Like a hunter from Paddra

    A one-shot where Lightning tries to teach Noel how to swim. Post-LR, Noel/Lightning.

  • The Divine Love series

    A compilation of my bhuni!Hope/Lightning pieces. Contains Last Resort, Consider his love an honor and Divine Love.

  • Last Resort

    Alternate ending where the fight with Bhunivelze takes an unexpected turn. Prequel to Consider his love an honor.