Ray The Red

  • A Sealed Deal

    The Art of Sealing was a well of almost unlimited potential; with a burning desire, an iron clad will and some blood almost anything was possible. Of course Jiraiya, at 13, didn't know that. Instead of reverse summoning himself to Mount Myouboku he summoned someone else and it changed the world. -An SI/OC from an outside point of view.-

  • Responsibility

    What if Baze had been more responsible from the beginning and Cate - emotional wreck that she was - didn't want anyting to intrude on her tentative engagement to Ryan? In response Baze takes responsisblity, like he should have done 16 years ago. After all, fathers are supposed to fix things.

  • Durability

    He bore them with pride, each telling a distinct story. They were marks of his survival, medals of the flesh. Yet they were also the reminders of his mistakes and failures. Most of all, though, they reminded him of his humanity.

  • Zangetsu

    Oneshot. Sequel to Rejection. Under the moon he falls and under the moon he is reborn. AU/Timetravel

  • Rejection

    Oneshot. "Overcast skies blot out the sun, and that always brings people's spirits down. So why not let the sun shine...For just a while longer?" - Aizen Sousuke