
life is short so am I

  • Time Is A Fickle Thing

    The war has just ended, and Naruko is the last one standing. Everybody is dead. So, in typical time travel fashion, Naruko is sent back to her rookie years. This time around, she wasn't going to lose any of her precious people (and quite possibly boil Madara and Tobi in oil, but that sounds way less heroic). Kaka/fem!Naru

  • The Future, the Past and the Present

    Uzumaki Naruto is infamous for doing the impossible. Why should changing the past be any different? She may have not started learning seals until after the war, but damn, she was good at them. So what's not to say she can make a seal that changes her world? Watching the show fic.

  • Reading the Raven Boys

    Blue, Gansey, Ronan, Adam and Noah find themselves in a forest with no idea how they got there. Then a book hits Ronan on the head. A reading the book fic. Set after the prologue but before the actual book starts.

  • Sorry, so not sorry

    Jackie's and Elliott's oldest daughter wants to find out how they met. Elliott might not know the full story. Jackie is never sorry for any of her pranks. Especially not this one. Fem!Jack Male!Elsa. One shot.

  • So, are you new around here?

    Merlyn has been waiting for sixteen hundred years for Arthur to get off his fat, lazy ass and help her bring the Old magic back. As Harry Potter gets into his first year at Hogwarts, he meets some rather... odd people. Fem!Merlin. All the Knights of the Round Table, Gwen, Gaius and Arthur are reincarnated.

  • The Last Year Is Just The Beginning

    Jamie Potter had a terrible summer. In fact this was the most heart wrenching summer of her life. The stupidly named You-Know-Who, Voldemort killed her parents right in front of her. Leaving her to look after her little brother. Are 11 year-olds allowed to watch rated R muggle movies? Gender bent Marauders era!