
  • Darker Worlds

    Ladybug gets sent into a backwards world where her and Chat are the villains, and Hawkmoth is the hero. Even worse, the dark Ladybug wants nothing more then too cause havoc in her new home. She must get back before her counterpart corrupts her partner.

  • Mind Tricks

    When the Master finds Rose and her Doctor in the parallel world he wants to take everything he can from the half Doctor. Including the TARDIS the real Doctor gave them to grow, and Rose. With a little brainwashing soon Rose becomes the Masters companion and forgets completely about the Doctor. But the Master can not seem to find out what BADWOLF is. I own nothing.

  • Oops

    Morgana wanted to curse Merlin with a love spell to use him as a spy, but fails and accidently enchanted HERSELF. Now she not only wants to be queen, she wants Merlin to be her king. Now all she has to do is succeed in enchanting Merlin to make him love her.

  • Stay?

    The Doctor gets pulled into a coma. The coma sends him to the deepest parts of his mind in a world where he has everything he could ever want. He can pull himself out of it, but that means having to leave the world of everything his hearts want, and can never really have. He has already lost so much. Will he pull himself out of it or choose to stay?