
  • The Beau and the Slytherin

    Giftfic for Harlecat for 2015 FrUk Gift Exchange - All good moments have to be ruined, but not all ruined moments have to be a bad thing, especially when it involves mistletoe. Pre-relationship!FrUk. ONE SHOT

  • Matthew's Zucchini

    Matthew explains to Francis his zucchini. [Also known as the time Matthew comes out to Francis on his asexuality and queerplatonic friendship.] Mentions of platonic RusCan. ONE SHOT

  • It's the Little Things That Count

    Foop's scarf for me is perfect, but mine for him is full of mistakes. Knitting is hard. Who would even think, "huh, if I use needles and yarn, knot it like so, I could do this?" Future-fic; FoopxPoof; ONE SHOT; POOF's POV; Warnings for fluffiness and cute boyfriend's.

  • To Love a Genius

    To their benefit, they pioneered this new type of cross-dimensional relationship. JimmyTimmy; On Hiatus