
  • Flames and Nightmares

    During the attack on the Capital, Fuegoleon Vermillion was left without an arm and in a coma. People panicked at the rise of a new group call The Eye of the Midnight Sun and the death they left in their wake. Cyan is a nobody with little faith in her magic but she knows she may be able to help the Captain of the Crimson Lion King's, she owes him a blood debt for saving her life.

  • A Day In the Life of Inquisitor Lynae Lavellan, First of Her Name

    When Thedas needed saving they turned to Lynae, a hot headed Dalish mage completely unprepared for what fate had in store. She knows she can survive anything with her new family watching her back and the love of her life by her side. But with the anchor slowly killing her and making her insane it won't take much to send her over the edge.

  • Idle Hands and Cigarette Smoke

    It was his eyes that sent ice flooding into my stomach, the blood red eyes of a monster. His face was shadowed, his breathing slow and meticulous, I felt the air move around me with each exhale. But his eyes did something else to me as well, with the fear came excitement and heat bloomed between my legs. -First time on fanfic, let me know how it is. Lemon (obviously) down the road.