
  • Past That Haunts Us

    1x04 AU; Connor calls Oliver upset and drunk revealing something about his past that changed him. This revelation changes his relationship with Oliver forever. 1st in the series; Connor x Oliver.

  • Understanding

    Clint is in a relationship with Tony and he understands that sometimes his lover needs comfort in the form of his very best friend, James "Rhodes" Rhodey.

  • Derek the Baby Whisperer

    Based on the wonderful sterek au by werelinski on Tumblr. Stiles can't help but notice that Derek is good with babies and feels likes their due for a pup of their own. He leaves hints in hopes Derek will understand but it turns out that the Sourwolf is more oblivious than he thought.

  • Two Fathers and a Daughter

    Brian O'Connor adopted Lila when the girl was two after her biological mother tried to kill her. Now twelve years later they move to LA where Brian opens a bar and falls for a gruff Toretto. Both men have dark pasts as well but things take a surprising turn when Lila's biological mother comes back and reveals shocking information. Will their love survive?

  • The Rescue

    Part 1of Manhandling series. Naevia is kidnapped and Crixus as well as Agron race to find her. Things end bloody and the consequences are faced by all.

  • Panic

    Connor and Oliver are both exhausted one night so they don't have sex. Connor realizes and has a panic attack due to his past and Oliver must calm him down. 2nd in series; direct sequel of Past That Haunts Us.

  • Care

    Oliver doesn't know what's wrong with Connor and he knows he should be pissed and kick him to the curb but he can't because he still feels for the man. Instead he takes care of the broken man. Prompt by ianoshea over on tumblr about Connor's head on Oliver's lap and said man running his hand through his hair in comfort. 3rd in Connor x Oliver ficlet series.

  • Unthawing

    Tumblr Prompt; Frozen AU (kind of). The only way to thaw the darkness around Stiles' heart is to find his true love. He doesn't know how close his true love actually is until it's almost too late.

  • Fighting

    Sterek and one of their many fights. Uses quotes from the Notebook and is only AU in the fact that Stiles and Derek are together. Tumblr post by tilneyhale

  • Safe Haven

    Stiles is running from his abusive ex-boyfriend back home to his father with his new best friend Cora. What did Scott do to make Stiles hate him? Will Stiles open himself up to the equally damaged Derek? Will he find love?