Piper the Social Butterfly

  • Prayer of the Princess

    Meet Charity Heartfowl. The princess of Salem; a kingdom that has gone into silence ever since it split from Eternia. After experiencing kidnap, Charity is later saved by Agnes, Tiz, and Ringabel, who later become three of her best friends. As the story goes on,Charity will discover the true power of friendship,sadness,love,fear,hatred,understanding and is reunited with a lost love

  • Taylor101: The School of Magic discontinued

    16 year old wizard, Taylor Green is starting her first day of W.W.H.S. or Wizard and Witches High School and is very excited to be reunited with her childhood friends and meet new ones. As the days go by, It gets closer to the day the students will have to sign the Book of Destiny, where they confirm their destinies. Mallory Drake is in a panic. Will she sign or ignore her calling?