
  • Dawn and Dusk

    One phone call from out of the blue, and Gibbs is jumping on a plan and flying to a different continent. Kate and Tony are fascinated by his old case and his old partner but he just wants to catch the man who eluded him five years before, and hopefully do it before he and Jenny end up fighting more than just memories.

  • Perfectly Imperfect

    University students Eddie and Rachel fell in love over essays and student nights at the union- they became inseparable, planning a future together. But when Eddie walks into the office he thought was to be his, he hasn't seen Rachel in years. Working together was always going to be challenging but doing so when you used to be in love with the other person? That's a whole new story.

  • More Than Blood

    "Sabrina… you do know that it doesn't matter one bit whether Edward was your biological father or not, don't you?" The answer was written all over Sabrina's face. Post-Season 2, the echoes of what happened are still being felt by Zelda and Sabrina...

  • Pages from the past

    From the time he was a child, Eddie hated seeing a woman upset. Especially when he was the cause. But when it causes a whole new confrontation with Rachel, she's driven to a decision that may have unintended consequences for both of them.

  • Left Turn

    Joan turned left instead of right when coming out of that jewellers, and Henry was crueller than anybody realised. Which prompts the start of a whole new adventure.

  • I Love You

    "I love you." He whispered. She smiled, eyes closed as she reached back and entwined their fingers. "I love you too." (Fic request from Shut-the-French-windows)

  • The Return

    The reunion between Annie and Joan in the season 5 premiere we didn't get to see...

  • Angel's Place

    "All I can think of is Harry somewhere alone, all by himself for five years!" Emmeline confessed tearfully. "I promised Lily I'd look after him but I don't even know what continent he's on!" "Albus didn't tell you?" Minerva questioned in surprise. "He's with Lily's sister!" And Emmeline wouldn't very well leave her unofficial Godson with Petunia for the rest of his childhood...

  • The Triptych

    They called themselves The Triptych. No one knew who they were, or where they'd come from.

  • Dawn

    What if something else had changed as well when Cutter came back through the anomaly? Something huge?

  • Caring Too Much

    "I killed people in cold blood to protect you, Joan." - Based off of the promo for 5x08.

  • Alone

    Annie's heart rate sped up to a point where she knew she was going to have an episode. Not now! She thought frantically. Beside her, Joan touched her arm in concern but Annie could only shake her head, panic rising within her as she struggled to breath.