
  • - The family business -

    When Esther kidnaps Elijah and Mikael comes back from the death with the only purpose to kill Niklaus, there's just one thing the Original Hybrid can do; ask for help. When Dean becomes Demon-Dean, Castiel's grace is almost done and Sam is facing the worse time of his life, there's only one thing he can do; ask for help. The help has cute dimples and her name is Allison Morgan.

  • For the first time

    Lt. Kelly Severide is always been a womanizer. He loves women and women love him. He has a lot of adventures but he never really fall in love. At least not after his first fianceè. But when a bad situation brings Det. Erin Lindsay, from CPD, in his life, everything changes and for the first time after years, he starts falling in love again. Linseride all the way here :)

  • The Family Business

    Quando Elijah viene rapito da sua madre, Esther, e Mikael torna di nuovo dal regno dei morti intenzionato ad eliminare Niklaus, a quest'ultimo non resta che chiamare i rinforzi. I rinforzi hanno due begli occhi nocciola, le fossette sulle guance, un caratterino per nulla facile e si chiamano Allison Morgan. Riuscirà Allison a salvare Elijah?

  • New York New York

    Harvey Specter è il mediatore più brillante di New York. Lisa Sullivan è una donna comune con qualche segreto e molte difficoltà. Cosa succede se Harvey incontra Lisa?

  • I owe you much more

    Detective Erin Lindsay and Lt. Kelly Severide are attracted to each other from the first moment they met. Similar and frightened by their feelings they decide to take things slow. But fate has something else in mind for them; a tragic event will force them to face their fears, will bring them even more closer and will give voice to their emotions. Eng is not my first language.

  • I owe you

    Detective Erin Lindsay and Lt. Kelly Severide are attracted to each other from the first moment they met. Similar and frightened by their feelings they decide to take things slow. But fate has something else in mind for them; a tragic event will force them to face their fears, will bring them even more closer and will give voice to their emotions. Eng is not my first language.